Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th...

Last Friday was Friday the 13th, usually associated with bad luck however it turned out to be a lucky day for me!

After many attempts to catch a photo of the new revamped Route 206 from Drumfinn Road in Ballyfermot to the West County Hotel on the Old Lucan Road, I had been left disappointed. For some reason the afternoon service was proving quite elusive, so with time to spare on Friday the 13th what better to do then chase a 206...

I thought I was off to a bad start when I missed the 11:00 departure to Drumfinn Rd., as the return 11.15 finishes the morning service. All was not lost this time however, as at 11.17 AV298 arrived into Ballyfermot Village prouding displaying '206 Old Lucan Rd.'...

Here's is AV298 at the West County Hotel
Hope your Friday the 13th was as lucky as mine!